Sunday, 25 August 2013

ASHAMED!!!!!!!!!! Again.

My latest today.Do check out...

 I truly try to write interesting stuffs. Trust me. Sometimes I do succeed and at other times...well the trying becomes futile not to mention goes without a single views. But nevertheless, my enthusiasm little smitten, I gather up my valor and stroke my keyboard to produce another piece of an article that will tickle your literary sensors in the brains. And like most days I hope less of a quantity and more of a quality viewer who reads and discusses my points' validity.

  So here I am. This is me. There is nowhere I would rather be. o sorry,some guy already took those lines few years back. Anyways, I started my day thinking I would write something funny or light and entertain all of you people but the newspaper ruined my day. Mumbai was the victim in this new found  game of manliness.

  Yes! a RAPE. Strongly condemned but hardly curbed; this menace is like the shrewd vine of a creepy crawling plant engulfing the pride, morality and self respect of the country and society and putting manliness, manhood and male sex into test. Just days back a Bihar police constable, a women, a liberated free independent women was raped and now a journalist in the heart of the most bright city bitten by the rabid vicious threat. Truly not happening. 'And I feel ashamed as the stronger sex.' The very lines I wrote in my Poem "Where the mind is without fear" in protest of the Delhi  rape and murder case of the 23 years??!!! old student. Same age as that of the journalist raped at the last day of her intern; and not even a year gap. You can read the poem in the post of the name 'RIR!! Oh! Unfortunate...' (Read it if you got time. It has received accolades.)

  Yet the only action that takes place are mere words in verbal as well as written form in several social networking sites and in the parliament. While networking sites are being amassed by dolts like me who don't know any other way to protest, the parliament I guess has a way. But still the only thing done is a cross party survey of how many rapes and murders have happened during the governance of the other party. As if a rape less or a two murder short of the last party's tenure is a thing of pride to show off. Disgusting.  So like every responsible youth who are billed as steering of the nation, I let loose my fury on the virtual world while the real gets dented.

 The question is what can we do? The politically neutral guys and girls who just want peace and probably a safer environment are like 'aantels' or the pseudo-mart people who demand utopia. i guess it's a lot to ask. So here I am shitting on this whole new level of technology while real people face real life. I am afraid, to go out now (inspite of being a MAN) and I was ashamed. And I am ashamed. AGAIN.

  Don't just keep reading guys....

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