Friday, 14 June 2013

Oh! Crap (the story part #2)

So you’ve probably read the last post of Oh! Crap or haven’t. So let me remind it was about a broken love story about a girl and his boyfriend who was a boy and not much of a boyfriend and…o to hell with recap. Just read the first part and come back later. Now to choke upon the rest part of the story. Here we go…

So the boy returns to his bed and move along in his life to become a full time self-obsessed jerky nerd with all his games and troll life. And whenever someone asked him something he just babbled his love life that had less to do with actually the real deal and more with the figment of imagination he lived with.

But now this girl having pranced and nuanced with all the boys available (Again all puns intended)
And having reached a critical zone where the honey has lost its vigour she searched for read love now that she was really growing into the clasp of womanhood and her pea-sized brains finally dominating the otherwise indomitable urge to life, attraction, action.

So she wandered off in search for true independence, love and meaning of life. Wait she only got in her car went to the psychic who was previously seeing Ram Gopal Varma after he made AAG. But let’s not get into the details.

 She went to her and in the veil of the perfect redundancy of despair (Damn good phrase was that. Wish I knew the meaning of it..) She threw herself to the legs of the psychic for the eternal knowledge that mystified human life only to be told by the receptionist that clients should wait outside. So after a lot of hump and hoops when she actually got to meet the psychic she could barely contain her feigned adultery-mocked sadness and desperation over life with she asked in complete sternness and injury over love life written all over her face. “Oh the almighty…please give a light, show me the way help me seek the answer..”

To which she was briskly cut off only to be told that she can refer the psychic as Mr. X (the script demands mystery…) and with-hold the adjectives. With a bit halt-injected huff she continued “Please tell where can I find a love so true and selfless that it will not only complete me and be just mine but also be make me fall in love with love itself; that make me love back in true sense without the shroud of desire and shadow being left for material tagged along with it.”

The psychic looked in the far away distant in complete haze as if peeking into the cup-board of destiny to see what’s in store and maintain the aura of mystic atmosphere that succumbed the room and also the pin-drop silence. Then turning back, he/she (again scripts demand mystery) placed hand on her shoulder and looked in her eyes as if wisdom is infra-red and her eyes the port and in an assuring manner subjecting her to complete bullshit of psychic-ness so that she doesn’t feel cheated while donating money with free mind, breathes a heavy breath and blinks twice and deep voiced replies her “Get a dog.”

Ok please like it or not please don’t stop reading my blog. Here’s to hoping to get serious someday. Happy reading

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