Sunday, 30 June 2013

Just a thought- The UttaraKhand STORY!!!

My latest today.Do check out...

Ok here it is. I thought of speaking on the topic that has recently haunted life on the northern parts of the country and we all have heard the heart-wrenching trauma stories (and in several versions). The news is still doing the rounds of the headliners and people are still not safe. And in this condition when much is talked about a topic, I prefer not to shed anything on the topic since everyone seems to have a preconceived notion on the topic. BUT.. I thought of sharing something that is wriggling inside...hope you don't mind (as if I give a ...)

First of all I would like to place my condolences and deep regret for the families lost and wounded. No amount of financial support can compensate the fact that one of the beloved is absent and the trauma is going to be a dear old shit scarring the mind of the old and younger together; and this should have not happened. Not on the visit to a deity. Right? Belief? Confidence? Myth? God knows (Well he/she/others knows better.)[What?!! Are you thinking why did I provide the 'others' as an option.. Who knows guyzz..Who knows..ANYWAYS]

Also the real people who were there at such a crisis not by choice of touring but by choice of duty do demand a great deal of kudos and cheers. Really the CRPF and the jawans do deserve a great deal of applause and the families of the lost jawans need recognition and a stable source of income and not a one-time staple of fortune that's ore of a bait to shut up when the politics play free...But again who amI to say..

My main objective to open my thoughts are altogether a different story doing the rounds of the newspapers these days; and though they are notthe first page earners still not something you can ignore (Especially me who starts the paper from the comics section..Weirdo) So the news is that the flood has been caused by (hold it...) not by natural calamity but the rage of the god. That hundreds of people died and a lot more of houses collapsed was because of displacing of theidol. I mean who would have thought God hated his/her new apartment(?!!)

Now the real story; very few people know that at that time 90 hydro-electric projects were going on.Don't you think that affects such a chronic flood-prone zone like UttarKhand; also pilgrims were not regulated nor the pilgrimage bussiness that caused several illegal structures to sprung up without taking the heed of the municipal regulation or the Indian Standard rules into consideration.Actually I think no such measures were to taken to check the soil profile or neither the Bearing Pressure of the soil permitted such structures.I hope that we stop believing bull-shit and start thinking whether that all mess  has a black hand of mankind.

Maybe it's high time we stop blaming god for everything and start seeing the loop holes in the management and men who mattered. And most importantly the awareness among the people and proper planning instead of some crappy old myths should rule the sites that many lives flock yearly.Precious lives.Lives too costly to be lost..

Just telling.

Keep Reading...

Friday, 28 June 2013


  Hi guys first of all I am extremly sorry for being so non-uniform postings. Am troubled with my stuffs and much is going through my mind about stuffs. So I am keeping myself away from the thing that I love the most. Yes writing. It has been a while since I started (not much though..) but there has been some good pageviews (really whatever it is was really beyond my mind. I thought I would be the only reader.Thank God!!!) Also my friends in collegedon't know much as I don't share much. But maybe I will let them someday now since I have submitted few worth reading posts (didn't I?)

  Well if you ask me my favourite (Well all are mine and I gotta love all of them but still...being a hypocrite, you know) then I will pick two posts of mine that I think I would love others to read and I read them myself over and over (Not that I wrote them like shakespeare but..) because of the theme they represent and the situuations hat have given out the thought. They were straight from the heart and I think I have expressed my heart best in those two posts the best. I hope you will like to read them too.

 The first post was the one on mother's day, a Mother's special posts dedicated to well technically to my mother  but you will get it  if you read it that I didnot just write to say the very obvious things to my mother. I live 660miles away from my home and the only connection (materialistic that is...) is my phone since my mum isn't that tech-savvy. Whatever it is there are times I am angry, times when I am happy and times when I am sad but mostly when I feel helpless because of stuff I miss her and on that day I missed her and so on the lonely evening when I was sitting alone in the room I thought I would share stuff with all of you. Hope you all will like it. The post is called Ma, Ammi, Mother- Different Religion One God. Hope you'll read it and find the same compassin that I have tried to attach with the piece.

The second post to capture not only my heart but many a heart is RIR..Oh Unfortunate.  The speciality is that its different not only by theme but by content too. It's based on the rape incident that took place last year in Delhi of the 23 yr old girl. You can read in details in the post. If yiou don't find it in the first page there is a sign at the bottom that says older posts. Click on it to reveal the last page that has the post. But the real difference is that it's a poetry piece that I had written on the aftermath of the incident when it hit the news. I was pretty shaken and it just blurted out of my heart Do catch it if you've got time

Having sared my best two posts I would like to say that all that I share are from the heart and my favourite. Have you got any one from your favourite. You can post a comment or send me feedback too at my email address and also if you want to share something with world; you can mail me too. Keep posting. Keep in touch and most importantly...

Happy Reading...

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Smashed music on the FLOORS...

I guess it's not unheard of you...guess where???

My name is Sheila, my name is, my name is; Jalebi bai, my name is Chammak Chhallo; my name is, my name is, Tinku Jiya. (Horrible!!)

Ok those who are in for it are in for it and those who are not are totally fussy about it. And that crazy thing is I am in for it and still yet I am fussy about it. I mean I like it, it's cool (I mean it's a trend now, gotta be cool. Right?) but still I judge it because it doesn't make sense to me. Ok for those lost, let me explain...

The line from the song (you got that, right?)  I wrote at the top is actually a medley of songs a mixer popularly a DJ mixes and matches to create a different sound from the existing array of songs to create a spark i.e. it can be for special someone attribute with the best possible lines from the favourite persons or the most popular reason to create a heady mix of the latest blockbusters to make a hit mix all dance songs and music to make your head go spinning. The relative term used here is a mash-up. (As in mashed potato.. huh)

The songs are smashed and mixed with spices, other condiments and sab kuch achha dala to create the super fun bonanza. Well you wish. The first time I heard the mash up was the Valentine mash-up and it was new, fresh thing. And so a fun. Then came the2012 killer mash-up and I was like why?!!… but the DJs played it along and the dance floor grooved; it was ok till then. But all went hodge-podge after that when all the DJs took the responsibility of creating their own playlist and with David Guetta turning into  an artist showed the bright way. And as a result we have a new mash-up for every movie and it’s killing me and it’s not cool. While some are just parts of songs from a movie (s)mashed into each other; in other cases the DJs try to be rappers and add their own zing in between. And what we have is a heady mix of retarded beats and pungent sound mix. In total #fail.

I wish we stopped this nonsense. The remix was too much to take in when all the DJs tried to remix every song that released creating a head spin and now this. When some artist makes a song or as in any other art he or she knows and wishes that their art may be interpreted into different dimensions but just to be creative we cannot just use, use and use it so much that we actually abuse it. 


Friday, 21 June 2013

Music for the soul....

Pum..Param..pam... PAA.

Happy World Music day guyss and gals. Are you humming music like the rest of the world. Well indeed a great day for the music enthusiasts all over the world who get a fair share to showcase their talent in the streets of the city. But do you know the history behind this very successful event...Let's check out...

In October 1981, Maurice Fleuret, the then director of music and dance was a music enthusiast and when in a survey he found that out of every two child and in total five million people played musical instrument; he thought of a way to bring them together. And as a result the cultural event hosted every year in more than 460 cities in 110 countries took place. It first took place in 1982 in Paris as the Fête de la Musique.

I am a music enthusiast and I like to sing (Even though my neighbours don't) but nevertheless the day dedicated to music means to me unlimited independence in expressing my beat side, the rhythms in me. So what are you guys doing. Visit a night club, make noise, go for a party. Enjoyyy..

All the artists are are celebrating it too and in this occasion I would like to acknowledge the music persons that have changed my perspective towards life and as life in total. First in line is Michael Jackson, man he inspired me; then comes the rock and metal gods. They are so many in number that taking a few names is very offensive but still with no less respect to others some of the great people in this genre are Bob Dylan, +Slash , Metallica, BFMV, +greenday and many more while in modern times I have been inspired by +Eminem  +EnriqueIglesias +Shakira +Linkin Park etc. 

And I listen to music all day, in radio in headphones, in the shower. Just can't live without it. Like an addiction.  And I think India, our Bengal has a brilliant artist brochure. From Shreya Ghosal Vishal Dadlani to Jeet Ganguli, Shaan, Sonu Nigam all are my favourites and many more. Oh btw Vishal dadlani retweeted me. i am happy once again. (Silly me!!!)

So lets enjoy music and swear not part with the celebration. Happy World music Day to you all once again.
Happy Reading

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Tall tales of Woes....

If you were only one inch tall, you'd ride a worm to school.
The teardrop of a crying ant would be your swimming pool.
A crumb of cake would be a feast
And last you seven days at least,
A flea would be a frightening beast
If you were one inch tall.
One Inch Tall- Shell Silverstein

Yes I am tall. With a slender (Ok who am I flattering, it's lean) 6ft. 2inch height I am butt of jokes, puppet of attention and not mention the countless snide remarks about the fact that could have been my only positive achievement. Well more of a plus point than achievement but the main thing is, let's face it of all the things I have done (and failed in mostly) this was the only thing to look upto. Literally!!!

But all my dream was washed away like any thing with people just staring at me like am just out of zoo or something. (Now all the people feeling guilty while reading it...Darn you). And the poor me! they make it clear like... "Hi! can you come down a little to take it?" OR while clicking a pic with some one "Can you bend a little?" Or "Can you sit in the front?" It's just not done it I mean what... Also this is the frequently asked question from people enquiring about the effervescent height altogether trying ti be funny "Hi! did you drink lots of Complan in your childhood?"  And in the process they forget to be polite. I think I should have been the brand ambassador of a health drink. People have showed their resentment or mis-interest in this topic; if you will, by being direct like "Dude, don't walk beside me... I look short." like that's my fault and sometimes people try to be polite and subtle. It is then that they say to me "Boss. You are very tall." Subtle. Very subtle. I fall in a fix in such situation. Not only you're facing a ID situation (Izzat Down, silly) but you need to reply something and a nothing comes up very bright at that time. What am I supposed to come up with "Yeah I know." OR "What?!! Really???" So I just try to smile like am just smart and casual. And I think  I cut a cool picture like Channing Tatum or Henry Cavill but recently my mirror informed me it's looks more like a Tusshar Kappoor. 

Jokes aside I am pretty intimadated by the mere pointings of people and though I know they are intimadated too (Jealous, eh?) I tell people to keep it to themselves. after it's all in the genes but this height is pointless and unless you're succesfull in your endeavour it's nothing. As the saying goes
'You have to do your own growing no matter how tall your grandfather was.'
Abraham Lincoln
It's beyond repair so just cut it. After all I am not a girrafe, or bamboo or a building to stare neither from zoo or Mars. These are the things I have heard peole say at the back of me.(Only when I turn my back at them, and at my face if I don't) God knows what else more.

Ok that said and done have you guys looked at the new features added to my blog. You canread about the Roman and Greek mythologies quotes and feed the fishes by clicking in the box. It's fun they follow your pointer. And do take part in the poll. Let me know your views every one. And you can comment too.

So just keep reading.

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Wet thoughts....

The monsoon has washed the the whole of Kolkata and every street is dripping with the sky squeezed out yet the angry clouds relents to subsidize. Although it's really an impressing time for a hot humid place like Kolkata it's really disappointing that the enjoyment lasts only till you step outside. With potholes adoring the city streets and the occasional choked sewers donating it's share of filth into the main street, you can only care for  hygiene as much as Tusshar Kapoor cares for a good Box office collection.

The vehicles are adamant about safe driving (not in a good way, though) and small cars especially the auto-rickshaws caress the streets in such a yielding manner that whenever you take the road be it foot path or highway, it's their way; you are constantly reminded of that by honking horns and accidental stoppages in places not meant for the stop only showers you harassment and then the spills. Yes try to imagine the scenario: you are walking in a rain-laden street of kolkata (no matter where, it's same every where; with Behala leading the pack perhaps) and vehicles are zooming beside you and when you try to overtake a pothole completely unaware of an incoming auto or a bus you get spilled by the vehicle that goes over the water filled hole. You'll find yourself in this situation for sure at least once in any monsoon season. you can only show dismay and go on with your business after all it was your fault you didn't see the car coming from the back. So although the rains do provide you a relief of temporary measure, a monsoon wedding isn't a happy affair for every one.

And since the topic of rains have dripped her let me express my genuine concern for the people pf Uttarakhad and Uttar-kasi for the monstrous flood that have ruined the regular life of people there ad the condolences are reserved for lives lost. Many are trapped there and it's a difficult  and scaring-ly tragic situation with all the rehabilitation process going on. one video is doing the rounds of Youtube, by one of the correspondent of a leading newspaper, that of a multi-storied building collapsing like a pack of cards. It's breathtaking but sad as well.

And again i am sorry for my absence from blogging. I feel like I am missing this session, the sharing of thought. Whatever blah blah is going on here is exclusively mine and I like it. What about you guys..

Keep living and happy reading. Happy monsoon....

Friday, 14 June 2013

Oh! Crap (the story part #2)

So you’ve probably read the last post of Oh! Crap or haven’t. So let me remind it was about a broken love story about a girl and his boyfriend who was a boy and not much of a boyfriend and…o to hell with recap. Just read the first part and come back later. Now to choke upon the rest part of the story. Here we go…

So the boy returns to his bed and move along in his life to become a full time self-obsessed jerky nerd with all his games and troll life. And whenever someone asked him something he just babbled his love life that had less to do with actually the real deal and more with the figment of imagination he lived with.

But now this girl having pranced and nuanced with all the boys available (Again all puns intended)
And having reached a critical zone where the honey has lost its vigour she searched for read love now that she was really growing into the clasp of womanhood and her pea-sized brains finally dominating the otherwise indomitable urge to life, attraction, action.

So she wandered off in search for true independence, love and meaning of life. Wait she only got in her car went to the psychic who was previously seeing Ram Gopal Varma after he made AAG. But let’s not get into the details.

 She went to her and in the veil of the perfect redundancy of despair (Damn good phrase was that. Wish I knew the meaning of it..) She threw herself to the legs of the psychic for the eternal knowledge that mystified human life only to be told by the receptionist that clients should wait outside. So after a lot of hump and hoops when she actually got to meet the psychic she could barely contain her feigned adultery-mocked sadness and desperation over life with she asked in complete sternness and injury over love life written all over her face. “Oh the almighty…please give a light, show me the way help me seek the answer..”

To which she was briskly cut off only to be told that she can refer the psychic as Mr. X (the script demands mystery…) and with-hold the adjectives. With a bit halt-injected huff she continued “Please tell where can I find a love so true and selfless that it will not only complete me and be just mine but also be make me fall in love with love itself; that make me love back in true sense without the shroud of desire and shadow being left for material tagged along with it.”

The psychic looked in the far away distant in complete haze as if peeking into the cup-board of destiny to see what’s in store and maintain the aura of mystic atmosphere that succumbed the room and also the pin-drop silence. Then turning back, he/she (again scripts demand mystery) placed hand on her shoulder and looked in her eyes as if wisdom is infra-red and her eyes the port and in an assuring manner subjecting her to complete bullshit of psychic-ness so that she doesn’t feel cheated while donating money with free mind, breathes a heavy breath and blinks twice and deep voiced replies her “Get a dog.”

Ok please like it or not please don’t stop reading my blog. Here’s to hoping to get serious someday. Happy reading

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Oh! Crap (The story part #1)

  There was this boy I know who was madly in love with that girl I knew too (no I am not encyclopedia... Just happened to be my acquaintances) and although they are not descendants of Voldemort (You know who...stuff) i choose not to name them for security reasons (no not theirs but mine...)

  So this boy was in love with the girl and they were in a relationship only at the end of their school life and all the while the boy remained true to his love and never dated a girl (Neither he is Brad Pitt that girls will swoon over him) but any how he chose not to tread that path his entire school life which was again his entire life till date, because he was in love with the girl from a very early age and bore her in his mind. but the girl was totally not aware of that or she chose not be aware by flirting, mingling, mixing, romping and seducing other guys all her life. Quite the opposite. The boy merely suffered till someone actually made the connection and the girl having  'Been there, Done that' (all puns intended) type with all the boys perhaps had only left with that boys. but again let's not be judgmental and say they changed the Facebook status complicated.

  But the girl was the girl she really was and the boy was really simple so the relationship ended after a brisk fling in which time the girl had doing other stuffs too (No puns intended. But you may carry on). So the boy sank again to his lowly miserable life. With every second he descended to his misery self whining for the situation he is in and claiming to god for something (maybe refund of self exuberance. I am not sure. What does Gods charge...Cupid-currency???) and complaining for the hollowness in his heart. Well that's not exactly true because he was the misery, hollow, self-proclaimed weirdo he was now forever. just that he got a reason now for his whiny-self.

  All the while girl was on her own path enjoying, making merry and not forgetting to be careful so that she doesn't make anything else in the process (ok...not for kids..but hey who's censoring) without even the tiniest guilt for robbing the boy of his heart. I guess she was just a mere thief of organs , robbing off the main parts of the human and replacing it with some hollow abyss. But then she has been doing this her whole life trading love for and then leaving them empty of several hearts and sometimes balls too (sorry explicit words...) too.

So when this boy finally takes stance and hardens his bout to take step against this girl, the girl had already moved from a different guy to another and she was totally taken aback by the allegations of the boy which she thought utterly inappropriate. She said to him that he never could give place in his heart to the reply of the boy's words which were "You stole it. Now give me my heart back".

  And with that words he returned from a hard-mental Arnold Swarzenegger to a timid Amol Palekar. He really thought that the mere words would make her fall in love with him or to any extent make her repent.

  Oh!Thy miserable.

#*# OK check the later part in the next post  No it did not end. And if you feel crappy about what I write (well I am not genie that I will cook up 1001 stories neither ..umm...OK, I ran out examples.) anyways you can always think about it and keep it to yourself. And if you want to tell me something good then just click in the no comments signt in blue below the post and place your ideas.

Happy Reading.

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Be cool and Live.


What happens when you wake up from your sleep, open your eyes and feel like it’s cold, and you’re freezing and suddenly you realise you are actually FROZEN!!! And to your horror you find out you are encased into glass container with your arms and legs tied and some people are looking onto you like you are some kind of guinea pig. (What’s happening type horror!!!)


What happens when you wake up from your sleep, open your eyes and feel it’s cold, and you’re freezing and suddenly you realise you are Frozen but that’s not the end of it but actually you feel like less, I mean genuine less and suddenly to your horror you discover that you are actually your head connected to computer encased in a glass case with scientist all around you congratulating you. (OMG type horror!!!)

Ok Ok no my screws didn’t fall off but mankind is nearing this fate as we speak or rather as I write and you read this piece. And it is not a science experiment gone wrong neither a forced  test in shoddy labs but some of the most swanky labs are doing or rather have already doing that.  So if any such things have or occurred to you or is happening to you be sure you have woke up after a good night sleep of more than 50 years. Yes.

Senior academic staff from Oxford University (just imagine….) has paid reportedly %0,000 pound sterling for having their head to be frozen after death so that they wake up when mankind has found cure to whatever has killed them. Only head.. yes their point being by that time we will be able to connect to the computer like in Avatar the Na’avis connected to their horse like pet (that means they will connect the USB to their…ok let’s not get into that) but if you think that people has suddenly got insane then let me tell you there are more 77 patients who have saved their heads in freeze mode and more forty people have frozen their bodies for a whopping 130000 pound sterling that when converted to today’s Indian currency roughly stands to Rs.9,100,000 (What the….fun!!!)

The patients are kept in stalemate condition if you will, by a company named Alcor based near Phoenix,Arizona where they have cryogenically frozen the patients for an afterlife. Now how did they actually made them believe in this stuff (I mean UFO tak toh thik tha bhai…par yeh) you can’t imagine. Their point being, tiny animals such as nematode worms can be deep frozen and then revived, then why not humans after all we didn’t believe that going to the moon was actually possible just a hundred years ago , right. (Abey haath kaat ke phenk de, afterall Chipkali ke aa jatein hain, yeh bhi aajayenge,hain)

And you wouldn’t believe who is the latest person among the 974 other living people who have registered for this treatment. Simon Cowell!!! The TV producer and entrepreneur who recently was in lime light because of some egg-y stuff you can read in the net. But just imagine how life would be, with endless possibilities only if they can do it. If not they are just another Saradha group duping west. Right?

Freeze the moment we say?!!

 Happy reading. 

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

The Fundamental Protest-2...

Yet again mankind faces threat that could have been trivia had it not surfaced but since it surfaced it has caused havoc among every people and unrest in different rings of Government and circles of people concerned to it directly or indirectly.

I am particularly surprised but not shocked to read about the ‘peeping Tom’ act of US government; collecting secret files and private conversations from the open source of social sites like Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr and the baap of all sites that has made all people turn their faces from their books i.e. Facebook (Ok little drama there..he..he..) that is the easiest way to ‘know’ someone in a not-so-traditional way. After all there is more to this government thingy than we ever are going to find out. So what if they have used your identity to give access to someone to the post-boundaries of the no-entry zones of certain places. Nothing is impossible let me tell you as you laugh to my goofy idea. (Didn’t you see Ek Tha Tiger? Oh! You don’t like comedy. Ok) anyways moving on.

PRISM, since Edward Snowden has revealed in Guardian about has been topic of discussions from high polit-bureau meetings to small hangouts in Google plus. And all are concerned about only one thing, their dirty socks. Not that I am complaining against their anxiety. Even I don’t want someone peering over my posts to see whether I am a threat to their country or not. But funnily enough GCHQ or the National Security Agency based on the fact that counter-intelligence is the only way to stay ahead in the war (Oh they do it a LOT) denies any claim to such rubbish called Prism. Meanwhile danger hangs on the whistle-blower Snowden in the form of arrest (for what?!! Outraging the modesty of the government…huh)

It’s irony and comedy in White house where they are telling people that there is no such thing as electronic surveillance going on and on the other hand shutting up critics by saying that if you got nothing stained you don’t need to hide anything. I just read in a Google plus post that has asked “Then the govt. needs to de-classify everything.” Well that’s actually up to them. Some are even saying China has laden this scoop for their benefit. God knows, to hell with the politics.

Hey Obama if you are reading this please leave a comment. And anyways I am going to have page views and  all I care are about those so…

 Just chillax.

BTW if you want to share anything or want me to write about anything of your choice do let me know at my twitter handle @IndrajitMoitra or mail me at

And also you can comment here. There is a no comments tag where you can click to put your comments and you can read the posts not featured in this page by going to the older posts.

Happy Reading.

Monday, 10 June 2013

Fundamental Protest...1


Yes Kolkata has opened up herself to the prejudice of the society. It’s such a heart-warming sight to see youth taking up the charge and leading the vision of a new society. In this maligned, stained Bengal clinging to age-old policies and stupid politics this is indeed fresh.

In its sequel year, if you may, this was an initiative by the JU students to traverse the stretch of JU main campus to Triangular Park, an approx. 5km path in protest against the atrocities done towards women. Not-so-strangely members of different LGBT communities were present on the walk voicing their opinion for the safeguard of not only girls but people from other genders beyond the barriers (though too much is said about neutrality, hell damn has happened and they still are you know… marginalised. Any comments?) since this cases go almost unnoticed because of….you know.

This year also something different; besides putting on red horns, (woh plastic-wale that lights up to red) was done. Which was, they dedicated this year’s event to Rituparno Ghosh, yes the master film-maker post-Ray Ark of Noah for Bengali films or so he is called.  It’s such a sad incident that he???! died due to a cardiac arrest last month. He was a very strong voice for these LGBT groups and other sensitive issues.

As usual people gathered, walked, gave slogans, met, discussed and went away; meanwhile rapes are becoming an obvious incident situation here in India. God knows when we learn to act. Or not act at times like men. China on the other hand has promptly banned any clothes that reveal much than the eye should meet with. Although with any changes this too was met with strong criticism but then they are actually doing something against the same thing about which the best thing we are doing is filling up the virtual world with our opinion. I feel nauseated with all the sarcasm and irony clouding this particular case. Everyone wants this stop but it is not going anywhere the bottom axis. What the hell is problem with the system? Oh ok lets not get into that deep S#!T.

Anyways kudos to those who participated for just to protest and not to claim votes. Youths today are truly bringing tears to my eyes. In every sense of the word. BTW if you want to share anything or want me to write about anything of your choice do let me know at my twitter handle @IndrajitMoitra or mail me at

And also you can comment here. There is a no comments tag where you can click to put your comments and you can read the posts not featured in this page by going to the older posts.

Happy Reading.

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Fallacy of the educated mind....

Ok so here it is finally. People are really opening up their mouth against it. It’s not that I am against it but when the case is too icky to comment or the issue too sensitive, don’t you think that we should actually think before we speak, leave alone maintain silence.
Actually it came into my notice after reading a daily that a certain boy, a school boy has committed suicide after being humiliated from school. The news as usual spread like fire, principal insulted, School gheraoed and action is being planned against teacher or might have been taken against her.
And as usual people have many theories against the issue; while some say it is personal rage, other pitch in for family issues and then a whole lot of new Homo sapiens vie for childhood trauma that scars the life and hence we have here the pain inflicting not so perfect a role model teacher. STOP.

 Stop and think. What are the odds of such a case to happen?  A teacher a living embodiment of respect (sans a few) yeah I agree to that but in the topic, the teacher was just punishing the boy for not doing his homework correctly. And that in this century is a crime. A healthy relationship between a teacher and student dictates that a teacher will punish the student for any wrong doings and still will be able to bless the student for a bright future. And although he is not above human beings the teacher is seen with respects that society associates that it does to few others. But that is a steep deteriorating curve and we today leave no stones undone to malign the name. Obviously I am in no such situation to feel the grief of the family that lost the boy and the situation that provoked such a gruesome outcome but yet my question remains the same that “Is it really worth it?”

The problem lies in the generation of 21st century to over-hype the things. T react overtly or to ignore and these things come from the age old idiot box. The TV has proved in more than less occasion that the influence of moving images in bright colours affects not any insane person but sane persons at a proportion that can be surprising and it leads to the action of aggression by that person that leaves the person surprised because he was not to act in that way. The main problem is it affects the sub-conscious, the part of brain that we cannot control and hence in case of intrepid moments of our being when existence is threatened beyond our ability of tolerance, we open up to ways  that we have visualised, that has stayed with us for a long time.

Sad to see parents are helping students in this endeavor. Be it illegibility in acquiring a seat, failing in an exam or punishment of the students’; parents are backing the students which leads to the students’ ‘Dekhe nebo’ attitude and it is highly condemned frowned upon, but highly practised too. The age old saying proves true even to this day ‘Spare the rod and spoil the child’ but the HC and SC lays out guidelines that say different. If teachers lose power to punish students then it is definitely the other way round. And I am not vying for thrashing but let’s face it school without students holding the ears or nil downs does not feature in my memory. Obviously sometimes teachers overdo it but cases on the other side of the balance aren’t plain simple. And then there is politics inside the walls of every institute of Bengal.

‘Sigh’ Ignorance was such a bliss.

Saturday, 8 June 2013

Chartacter Dissection2- Jim Parsons

Soft Kitty
Warm Kitty
Little ball of fur

And you probably gave away a smile. Every time we hear it, we heart it. The BIG BANG THEORY guyzz and galzzz is the most authentic non-sexist (well most of the time) yet most naturalistic and humour evoking show based on the lives of the three physicists and the girl next door. And also a bit racist.
John Galecki and Kaley Cuoco are the hot couple here but the character that takes away the cake is none other than Sheldon Cooper; Shelly to his mother, Dumbass to his fellow scientist (you know which one) and 8th wonder of the world to the rest of them is a complete riot on the show. And the credit goes to Jim Parsons wholly. Those rantings, high speed dialogue delivery, faces and how can we forget the three-times door knock. And when he hurts others and comes back with ‘There, There’ we feel like calling him MAD but no…his mother had him tested.

Jim Parsons was born on March 24, 1973 as James Joseph ‘Jim’ Parsons.  Although acted in minor roles in movies like School for scoundrels and Muppets his major lies in theatre and has acted in several plays before trying Television. His talent was spotted by Chuck Lorre the director of the show when Jim came for the audition of the character of Sheldon Cooper. They all were mesmerised so much so that Lorre didn’t even call for the second audition and hired him instantly.  He went on to win several accolades. In August 2009, Parsons won the Television Critics Association award for individual achievement in comedy, beating Alec Baldwin, Tina Fey, Steve Carell, and Neil Patrick Harris.[10][18] He was nominated for Emmy awards in 2009 and 2010, winning in 2010 for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series.[19] In September 2010, Parsons and co-stars Johnny Galecki and Kaley Cuoco signed new contracts, guaranteeing each of them $200,000 per episode for the fourth season of The Big Bang Theory, with substantial raises for each of the next three seasons. The three were also promised a percentage of the show's earnings.[20] In January 2011, he won the Golden Globe award for Best Actor in a Television Series – Comedy (the award was presented by co-star Cuoco).

                Jim Parsons is the older of the two children and is reportedly gay with relationship of over ten years. He was one of seven students accepted into a special two-year course in classical theater, taught in partnership with the Old Globe Theater. Program director Rick Seer recalled having reservations about admitting Parsons, saying, "Jim is a very specific personality. He's thoroughly original, which is one reason he's been so successful. But we worried, 'Does that adapt itself to classical theater, does that adapt itself to the kind of training that we're doing?' But we decided that he was so talented that we would give him a try and see how it worked out. Indeed it worked quite well and we still get floored and humoured with every episodes of the show and so much is the love that I think math, science, history, unravelling the mystery; it all started with the big bang. Well who can disagree.’BAZINGA’

Happy reading.

Thursday, 6 June 2013

The WHAT?!! and wOw of TITANIC...

Hi everyone. I am extremely sorry for not posting yesterday as I was pretty tired. Hope you'll understand. Today I am going to share with you some amazing facts that you never thought would have a slightest possibility. I came across this thought and I was What?!!....

Most ships lost at sea were the victims of huge waves caused by hurricanes or large storms.  But it was a lack of waves that contributed to the Titanic hitting the iceberg at 11:40 pm on April 14, 1912, and sinking on the 15th, a hundred years ago.  On that night the weather and the sea conditions were perfect  --  but for the Titanic, they were too perfect. 
There was no wind, and thus there were no waves.  It was a flat calm.  It was also a dark moonless night, which made it difficult to see an iceberg in the distance.  On such a night, waves would have made the iceberg more visible.  Even small waves would have caused a bright phosphorescent line around the base of the iceberg, due to the millions of dinoflagellates that migrate to the ocean surface at night. 
These tiny plankton glow brightly even with the slightest disturbance.  (Sailors had seen this phosphorescence many times as they rowed through such waters, every stroke causing a glow that clearly outlined each oar.)  On that night there was not even a gentle swell that could have caused a phosphorescent line around the iceberg.  
These were extremely rare conditions for the North Atlantic in April.  On almost any other night the huge iceberg would probably have been seen by the lookouts in enough time for the Titanic to avoid hitting it.  For more Ocean facts check out Dr. Bruce Parker's book: The Power of the Sea

Also a decade and few years earlier a writer wrote a fiction piece on a large vessel called Titan that sets sail on the exact date that of Titanic and faces the same wrath of nature as that of the real vessel.


And now get this British government is building a cruise ship of multi-billion dollars and is going to christen it Titanic2. And not only would it be bigger and better than Titanic but it would have the super sensors that can warn about any upcoming danger before-hand. 

Well lat's wait and see what say....

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Jolie- The greater human Being.

Heya...Yesterday was fun but today am going to share something serious with you all. No nothing apocalyptic you know. Just something that needs a mention. Something  that should be shared for the benefit of all. Some steps, however little are actually big leaps for people concerned or not concerned.

Today is the birthday of Angelina Jolie. The great human being who has not only taken a big step for herself but for the future of her kids, so that they don't go through what Jolie herself has gone through. And kudos should well abode her for her immense strength.

Being in the show business you really need to stay fit and up to the mark and any slight deflection from the highest order is like attempting crime. And given the social stature Brangelina's dwell in it's impossible to avoid public display; but yet she remains the epitome of strength, courage and inspiration for not only te women  of the world but as a male counterpart I can say for men also. When she under-went this surgery of mastectomy for reducing the risk of cancer, she for one didn't take a step just to secure her and her children's good keeping but what she actually did was bring hope and ray of light to millions of women who need it. for thousands of girls who need a standing rod of inspiration and an epitome of courage and strength to take that extra mile and I salute her.

We all know about her philanthropic activities all around the world and how she helps girl child for a safe future. Her works truly speak for this dare-devil tomb raider and like her films she always have been hit, an idol with us. But this act of taking an extra step to prevent rather than cure; this proactive measure will, god knows, benefit so many girls into looking up to her and taking the same path. She not only did a great job but acted like a true humanitarian, coming out in front of the media to the aide and benefit of the world barring and ignoring criticism. I guess she was always a great actor but now on she will be a great human being.

yes obviously there have been many sacrifices in this world bigger than this . So just to be humble let's call her the greater human being. Greater yet humbled. Touching the floor. She never fails to mention the  support of her part, Brad Pitt who always stays by her side, in all endeavors and as such is the figure of  a perfect gentle man to me who , in times happier or tension, never parts ways. I guess we all have so much to learn.

 I wish her life goes on in full swing and she be always happy and prosperous. Touching the lives of many. Live on Angelina.

Monday, 3 June 2013

Hey! I have been thinking for some time and when I was thinking (my brain was thinking What the hell is he doing?!!). Anyways so I was thinking if they have freedom of speech why not freedom of joke. Yes! you read it write. It might irk someone... well I see dozens of politicians banging the microphones with promises and debates that are useless and thousands of celebrities bombarding the Twitter with shit. If nobody is judging them then why me. It's my unique and only useless talent that I share with few successful men (Well shaking the ear lobes are another useless talent, but lets not get into it). So I think I will joke as long as I want to and as big and stupid joke I want to crack. You may laugh about it (or not). By the way why do they use crack with joke, its not like jokes are in a pod of peas bursting out or like coconut water that we need to crack open. Or almond. Or...something could be cracked (yeah whatever).

My point is why can't I just share a joke and be happy about it without worrying whether others will be happy about it. Even Mallika Sherawat says stuffs and doesn't care (man where am I goin')
Anyways am going to share a joke that I heard somewhere. Just laugh. Or go to hell.Your choice...

It is that fine day two monsters were out in a city to eat humans (nope, no judging). They went inside a community hall where a show was going on and a comedian was up there. They pounce on the comedian and start him eating when suddenly one monster says 'Does this taste funny to you'

 The second monster says 'Good joke. Lets finish it.'

Sorry the journey was really not worth it.

Sunday, 2 June 2013

RIR..Oh! unfortunate...

HI guys! Today I am going to share with you something that I have not shared with you before. People whop know me, my batch-mates, friends or anyone from my school or college know that I do a bit of poetry. Now although I am not sure as to how to describe my poetry, good or bad, I think I do it because I love to do it. so toaday i am going to share with you one of my favourite poem that I wrote last year end. It has featured in a poetry writing site called GotPoetry? Do check it.
It is actually an elegy type of poetry (I don't know if it can be really called an elegy) written about a girl, 23 years old, who was brutally raped and murdered at Delhi 2012 end. I was pretty much shaken and moved by the incident much like the world and while others protested with dharnas, vigils, meetings and candle offering i chose to show my prayer and my expression through what i do  (I think) more comfortably and better. And as i offer my prayer to her soul I only wish she getsin heaven what she missed on earth. A little bit of respect. May her soul rest in not only in rest but respect. RIP and RIR. So here it is. I won't keep more words between to bore you. Do read the full and tell me how you like it. The poem is titled Where the mind is without fear (Tagore any one...)

Where the mind is without fear

As smell of alcohol
Filled the air
She gasped for breathe
As her end came near
Loud laughter shot the sky
As helpless shouts to deaf ear.

As the savages wait for trial
The whole country sits and sees in denial
Something so gruesome has happened after all
It was better if the world would end in sky fall.
Fear, in the minds of mothers have crept
As sisters and daughters and friends bereft.
Happened to someone who thought they were safe
What if it’s their turn, if they are the next?
For safety has mocked the meaning of its own,
Provided to those; covered dresses who have worn
And piled up the work before sunset?
After 65 years, matured; we have not been yet.
And I feel ashamed as the stronger sex
To provide this insult after all it takes
To bear for months and give us birth
A safer world couldn’t give them here
I still search for the holy land
Where the mind is without fear

Saturday, 1 June 2013

She dazzled and wooed us and he created the perfect moments on the silver screen. And there were five others worth mentioning in the films like Ranbir, Deepika, Aditya Roy kapoor, Kalki and Pritam (Yes! Didn’t he create the magic in the ears…).
Oh you are thinking if these are all the people in the film then who are the two I am talking about.. Well The ‘She’ is Madhuri Dixit, the dance queen and I tell you I am floored. I am mad on Mads.
And the second ‘he’ who did a really praise-worthy job was Ayan Mukherjee.. Yes the Wake up Sid boy grows into the Yeh Jawani hain Deewani man. The dialogues were good the cinematography lies true to the Dharma production banner seducing us with stunning Himalayan scenes and there was that famous train scene too. The transformation, the journey, the return back home everything was put together in a rhythm by Ayan and though a bit mushy in places and a tad too longer the scenes particularly the son-dad scenes and where Ranbir talks about his father, really evokes emotion.  I really forgot how cool chichora panti can Ranbir do in all these times because of all those acting. The bright smile, the flirting, the twinkle steps; it doesn’t hurt once in a while to shake a thumka after all Rockstar and Barfi. He really makes the trip worth it even while returning to his Ajab prem Ki gajab kahani mode.

Deepika was stunning in this film and she did fab as a simple ladki avatar donning those geeky specs and coming out of her party girl bubble. Kalki was casual in her role and loved in this film too but Aditya was dud in places and though a small role his brother Kunal Roy kapoor was brilliant than him.
 The songs were the main USP of the film and Preetam really deserves hats off, plagiarism or not this man has always delivered hits.  And the film has indeed garnered interest in India and abroad and churned a good box office collection by now.And one thing to notice is the chemistry of the ex-es. Ranbir Deepika truly sizzles. It seems breaking up is the new hit film formula(Remember Jab We Met)
 I hope it goes along after all it sure lets you fall in lovephir se and who doesn’t love it.