Sunday, 21 July 2013


My latest today.Do check out...

 It seems that people really enjoy the posts that are relative to adverse condition or have an association with the woes of someone or the other.I have found out that whenever I post something about some incident of being harassed by men or nature or someone else got harassed, it immediately generates viewership as opposed to say some general topics like the last one, which was based on Ice Creams (I did put some bright photos for attraction purpose.) But it was stupid to expect a cup full of words on the item you can have a cupful anytime. Or as Twitter would say, it was #fail. Neither the fictional accounts that I put up on my blogs for change seems like a ground breaking Idea. The post that's currently riding high on views is 'The Potpourri of thoughts' (if you haven't read it; darn you!*#$@%*$#%?? Go read it damnit). Anyways getting back my cool; the topic for that post was among other things the woe of a french-woman in Kolkata, recently in news. It was in news recently. Any ways and the post that is popular the most is (one of my favourite too...) is the one that generates lots of emotion. It is 'Ma..Ammi...Mother....' I am sure some of you must have read it. It's my heart out. Make sure you check it. You can connect yourself to it.(er..I hope so)

Anyways the point is not to advertise my past blog posts but to  make a point (without exaggerating it of course) that when I write something and it goes unappreciated (oh! to hell with appreciation, sometimes it goes without a view even.) it makes me feel less. I think that I have somehow wasted some of my vocabulary, some momentary fusion of words in constructing a phrase which, if orderly presented before a group, and in some other manner and/or time would have led to something good, if not prize-able; but instead I used them for something, rather somewhere, where it lay wasted without even a look, held in the cobwebs of foolish posts from teenagers in several social networks like facebook or twitter in this case Google+. I mean it's ok to spend your time posting posts that you want into the social networks, but what everyone is posting this days is preposterous. Instead taking a look at my blog wouldn't have hurt, you know. (Please don't kick for this advertisement of my blog.

Oh and by the way if still haven't figured it out, i really didn't have anything to say so I thought I would be goofing around. AM sorry this was really not worth it.

Happy reading.

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